What to Say
What to Say
What I want to say
I shant
For fear of being misunderstood
Yet again
On my mind….
Thoughts make it home
As in years ago
A special kind of friend
Who doesn’t expect what others do
Yet wants, hopes and prays
For more than just friends
I fear that I hurt you
Just by not being
There in thought or desire
I love the friendship or companionship,
if a better word
Love the jaunts and gestures
The singing and the food and cheer
Is this all there is
In silence at home
Feeling home, but not
Being alone, yet not in mind
Maybe this is all we need
Us humans
Of days of old
Of days of the future
Was this God’s plan after all?
Be grateful for what we do have
Even if only in mind
And empty thoughts
Holidays are near
The stories we’ve been told
Are they not real
Of which forever to dream?
November 12, 2021