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Germany, Oberammergau, the Alps and more

Traveling from place to place by tour bus, we were told about people, times and places of evments that happened years ago in this beautiful country. We traveled from Austria to Germany, to Munich, Salzburg, Oberammergau and more. we enjoyed Winter Wonderland (ice crystals frosting the trees and bushes) at scenic rest stops between Innsbruck, Austria and Munich, Germany.

Below are photos of the Alps, Christmas Markets, "Stille Nacht", Oberammergau, Salzburg (with a bit about Mozart, King Dietrich and Van Trapp family), and Munich (with a bit about King Ludwig).

Above, you see a photo of the beautiful Alps, a view from across the street from the hotel where we stayed in Innsbruck, Austria. Every hour the daylight shows the Alps a bit different, an ever changing mountain scene.


Salzburg and Mozarts Birthplace

"Mozart was a genius but with a terrible temper; a drinker and a gambler. People wondered if he was crazy. His father's name was Leopold. Mozart's birthplace is Salzburg. His home is shown in the photo above of golden color.

Wolf Dietrich was responsible for the renaissance; created many of the buildings of the North. During those times, the people of the town gave the Arch Bishop rights to the salt mines. "Salt Fortress", "Salza River", Salt - salary. Salt was their way of trade, i.e. pay. Dietrich had a friend that produced 15 children. He had a beautiful place in the city but moved to the country across the river, beyond the city gates - later became Mirabell Gardens where the Van Trapp family fled."8

At the Mozart Platz, Salzburg, we enjoyed the tunes of various musicians, saw the Salzburg Fortress, a large ground chess game, and entered the cemetery at Benedictine Monatery where the Van Trapp family hid, experiencing the passage where they escaped. There we saw the "Do re mi" steps in Garten - nomb (statues) gardens on which the Van Trapp family fled after the concert, now called Schlass Mirabell which means Castle Mirabell. In later years, the Van Trapp family moved to Vermont which is much like their old home with mountains all around.

King Ludwig

"During the Munchen tour, we learned about King Ludwig, known as Maximillian. He built his castle 150 years ago. He represented all parts of the industry and legislation. He had to be a King; he really wanted to be an engineer. As we traveled from Oberammergau, we saw from a distance the King Ludwig Castle, Neuschwanstein, Fussen. This is the same castle used on Walt Disney's movies, and in Disneyland and Disney World. King Ludwig II's home in Linderhof is seen in the photo above containing beautiful white carvings on the front of the building."9

Information about Oberammergau

Oberammergau is a beautiful, quaint town with shops full of area artists' gifts. People were taxed on the size of the windows. So to make their buildings pretty, they painted beautiful pictures on and around the windows to make them appear larger. Paintings are called Malerie. One site in Oberammergau was the Passion Play House. In the 1300s, 80 percent Europeans died due to the "black plague". It revolutionized people's faith and economy. In the 1600s, people were careful as to who they let in. Mader Horn & Switzerland was the one way in and out. Since 1637, they performed the play every year. Above is a picture of a building with paintings on the outside as well as a lodge where we had lunch on the outskirts of Oberammergau. The wooden ceiling is decorated with carvings.

Christmas Markets

The photo of the Stilla Naht ice sculpture above is in the center of the Christmas Market in Sulzburg at dusk. Christmas Markets were everywhere, it seem -- one just around the corner from the hotel in Innsbruck. Artistic buildings support the market shops, where you can find embroidered and crocheted table linens and more. Cuckoo clocks - everywhere too. Stuffed characters like Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs were sitting on window ledges of the tall buildings. .

A note about "Gluhwein":

A sip of the German wine drink called Gluhwein (hot wine with spices) helps to enjoy strolling through the markets during the cold winter months. The cups the Gluhwein is served in were free, as a souvenir.

The Story behind "Stille Nacht"

"Joseph Mohr was a poor child without parents. His mother rented out her bed to a guard and one night things happened. Joseph had a beautiful voice. He was singing while walking down a street one day when an old Priest heard him. Marveled at the sound, the Priest invited him to join the boys choir telling him that he had "the most beautiful voice he'd ever heard." He then became a part of the monastery. He was stationed at Obendorf. The school master, Franz Gruber, and he became good friends.

A week before the Christmas concert at the Church, the grumpy old Priest had a heart attack and died. Joseph had written Stille Nacht to guitar just a few weeks earlier. The concert and its success was now the responsibility of Joseph and Franz. They planned to use the song but with the organ. Just as they started to prepare, the organ broke. Thus Joseph performed Stille Nacht with the guitar in its original arrangement. It was a huge hit with everyone. The song became known and popular through the use of the Franz's money. This is how it became famous."10

*8,9,10 Information shared from the travel brochures.

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