Friends May Come; Friend May Go
Friends May Come; Friend May Go
Friendships grow strained
And torn
Others leave
Others simply fall.
Healing and growing
Strong and stronger
For where there was friendship
There is heart of love
Never to empty
But to continue.
Friends may come, friends may go
Never leave of hearts
Life begins; Life continues
Friends may come, friends may go.
Friendship, demand not
or push or pull or prod
Let go and let be.
For when it is time,
Friends return
If not in time, be still…
Still in heart
Life is hard
We live and learn
and grieve and grow.
We strive. We hurt.
We cry and try
Yet never complete.
Not all the same be
Or the same need
We come and go
As lives tug and pull.
Live and let be
Until you receive
Whence it comes.
When and as...
Friends may come;
friends may go…
Yet, Love never leaves.
March 3, 2008