Are you At Peace
Are you At Peace
Are you mesmerized by the flowing reds, pinks, and oranges
flowing across the edge of the sky?
Can you enjoy hard work, as well as play
from mowing the lawn to playing badminton
with bear feet in the newly cut grass?
Can you see the beauty in a dark night
where all that can be seen
are the flickers of light, bouncing off rippling waters?
Can you feel your spiritual being,
as you stand amidst nature - trees, rocks, shrubs and all,
as a whispering breeze passes by your face
and brushes through your hair?
Do you enjoy the beat of good music
as you float around the room?
Do you sense the excitement from a concert band?
Are you moved by theatrical artists
and their talents, energy and emotions?
Can you hear the peaceful calmness
that settles around you when all is quiet?
Can you slow down to the beat of a warm flame
and sit speechless?
Do you feel glad that you are you?
Are you happy with all that surrounds you?
Then you are at peace - content with who you are
and free to love.
October 1997