As She Weds, My Friend
As She Weds, My Friend
“And now these three remain:
faith, hope and love.
But the greatest of these is love.”
– 1 Corinthians 13:13
How nice it is to see
such a happy couple
realizing their dreams.
Within a matter of hours
This beautiful couple,
so good and so rare
will become “husband and wife”
To have and to hold
All the days of their lives
Yet still boyfriend and girlfriend
In heart and soul
Never to forget
the most precious of all
True love
There is Honesty
Pure unadulterated Truth
And Faith … in each other
And the God who created them
(Unknowingly, maybe,
As she’s been heard to say.
“Thank God”….
Thank God for his precious Blessings?)
Such is the life of my friend
A friend from long ago
Hurt so many years
Yet strong and determined
She’s made a home for her family
With compassion. Love and understanding
With amazing abilities and positive forces
She moves, strives forward
To new ground, new chapters and love
This couple, so rare
Becomes one in only hours
A dream, so rare
Come true.
“And now these three remain:
Faith, Love and Hope
And the Greatest of these ~
/Theresa Ellen
October 9, 2021
Today, Blessed Day
Warmth and sensitivity
Is felt today
Oh… in so many ways
Connection felt with loved ones
Near and far
So precious and so rare
We come to this day
With open arms
To sing (in heart) and to elate
Friends, brothers and sisters
And the like
To witness this union
Oh Blessed day
That we embrace
With joy and peace
May God Bless this day
And all who partake
For the love
that is shared today
And all the days to come
Oh Blessed day
That we embrace
With joy and peace
October 10, 2021
/ Theresa Ellen