My Artwork
My Artwork
The following artwork is a collection of sketches, paintings, etc. done over time. The first row shows the most recent pencil drawings done after I retired from the Aerospace Industry, in 2018. The rose bouquet (pen and ink) in the second row was created some years ago while working as a Commercial Artist at American Furniture in Albuquerque, New Mexico. The bird in flight (pen and ink) was created while taking a line art class at the Technical Vocational Institute (TVI) in Albuquerque, New Mexico.

Following are pencils drawings done in between times.
Following are pencils drawings done in between times.

Line Art Class Projects
The following pencil and charcoal sketches were classroom projects while attending TVI, the first row being simple pencil sketches of objects placed around the room for the students to view and draw. The second row shows a charcoal sketch of a lady and of a man, in the same class. The coffee pot and daisies charcoal sketches were done later on at home. (Note: The charcoal sketches may appear smudged, after a time spent in a box.)
The last drawing in the second row was a line art drawing, done with an ink wash overlay, of a Juniper tree. This piece of art was sacrificed for the school magazine, with promises we would receive the artwork back. (This never happened. So what you see here is only the pencil drawing itself.)

Artwork Created as a Commercial Artist
Below, in the first row, are line artwork done while employed at American Furniture. I was amazed at the various techniques used to make an object look real.
In the second row was my attempt to create artwork of various objects around the house at the time.
Line artwork is done with a rapidograph pen. It is all about perspective drawing, with the appropriate shading.
The last piece below was first drawing with pencil, then completed with a regular pen, using red and blue ink pens for the flag.
Artwork Created as a Commercial Artist
Below, in the first row, are line artwork done while employed at American Furniture. I was amazed at the various techniques used to make an object look real.
In the second row was my attempt to create artwork of various objects around the house at the time.
Line artwork is done with a rapidograph pen. It is all about perspective drawing, with the appropriate shading.
The last piece below was first drawing with pencil, then completed with a regular pen, using red and blue ink pens for the flag.

Paintings, as such
Following was my attempt at painting...
The first of these was my first painting, given to my mother. When she passed, it as given back to me. It had been damaged a bit while in storage.
The second was my first attempt to paint glass (with a flower). Then a glass of wine. The last was the easiest, showing perspective in a view of a lake with a small foot dock leading out to the water.
(It is obvious I am better at drawing.)
Paintings, as such
Following was my attempt at painting...
The first of these was my first painting, given to my mother. When she passed, it as given back to me. It had been damaged a bit while in storage.
The second was my first attempt to paint glass (with a flower). Then a glass of wine. The last was the easiest, showing perspective in a view of a lake with a small foot dock leading out to the water.
(It is obvious I am better at drawing.)